These These are discussion questions for module 1..2..and 3 . Please keep them separate… These are initial posts it must be 250 words…please list all references that you may use…. thanks in advance for taking on this assignment!!!

Module 1

We inherit some traits from our mother and some traits from our father. But why don’t we inherit the same traits as our siblings? In the first discussion you will explore a phenotypic trait you have and instigate the known genetics behind it.
The blue prints for you, everything from your hair color to the size of your big toe nail, is contained in your genome. Also contained in your genome is the possibility of a predisposition (not as we saw in the Plague Protector: Defective Gene) to a disease state. You inherited your genes from your parents however they may or may not have the same phenotype as you. Remember, we get one copy of the blueprints from our mother and one from our father. In this discussion you will describe a phenotype of you or someone you know and research the genetics and possible environmental factors that are associated it. (Also remember, phenotype is the result of genotype and the environment.)
Let’s get started by visiting the National Institute of Health (NIH) and explore its phenotype database.
NIH Genetics Home Reference
Here you can search for a phenotype that you are interested in. Information about the genes associated with it and links to research article are also available.
For this discussion, please address the following questions:

What is the phenotype you are investigating?
Do all family members, including siblings and potentially cousins, express this variation?

Are there other variations of this phenotype expressed?

What genes are associated with it?

Which chromosome are the genes located on?

How frequently is this phenotype observed?
What is the inheritance pattern?
Are there other names for this inheritance pattern?
Click on “Additional information and Resources”

Summarize at least one of the scientific articles that are listed on Pub Med.

Are there still questions that need to be investigated regarding this phenotype?

Do you agree or disagree with the conclusions presented in the research article?

Why or why not?


Films on Demand. (2 November 2009). Plague Protector: Defective Gene [Video 3:55 mins]. The Silent Killer: SARS. 2 November 2009.… : 2008
NIH Genetics Home Reference. 2018. : 2018

You are encouraged to practice using the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition; 2010) of formatting and Evidence Explained (3rd edition; 2015) citations within your submission. However, you will not be graded on your ability to use these formatting methods.

Module 2

Now that you have read about mtDNA and X-DNA testing and how the results of these tests can be utilized for genealogical research, let’s check your knowledge.
This article and the following discussion questions help evaluate your understanding of mtDNA and X-DNA testing. You will review the inheritance patterns of mtDNA and X-DNA and the use of test results to examine a real-life genealogical question.
Read the following article from the archives of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly:

Elizabeth Shown Mills, “Testing the FAN Principle against DNA: Zilphy (Watts) Price Cooksey Cooksey of Georgia and Mississippi [PDF file size 634 KB],” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 102 (June 2014): 129-152.

Proceed to the discussion area and engage in the following questions. For best grading results and to shape the discussion, read the accompanying rubric. Post at least one original comment and at least two thoughtful responses to classmates for each question. This discussion will open the first Monday, closing when the module does. Posting your original comments no later than Thursday night gives your classmates time to respond and maximizes your possible points.

Discussion Question #1: How could X-DNA test results have been further utilized in this genealogical analysis? Looking at Figure 2 in the article, would all of the test-takers (the last individual listed in each line) potentially have X-DNA from the common ancestor (Judith) that could be compared? Looking at Figure 3 in the article, would all of the test-takers potentially have X-DNA from the common ancestor (Judith) that could be compared?
Discussion Question #2: Based on all the evidence presented in the article, was mtDNA testing necessary to establish the conclusions in the article, or would the non-DNA evidence presented have been sufficient on its own? Why or why not?

You are encouraged to practice using the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition; 2010) of formatting and Evidence Explained (3rd edition; 2015) citations within your submission. However, you will not be graded on your ability to use these formatting methods.

Module 3

Now that you have read about Y-DNA testing and how the results of these tests can be utilized for genealogical research, let’s check your knowledge. In this activity, you will review, analyze, and discuss an article written about the use of Y-DNA to solve a genealogical question.
The following article and the discussion questions will help evaluate your understanding of Y-DNA testing, including the inheritance pattern of Y-DNA, and the use of test results to examine a real-life genealogical question.
Read the following article:

Alvay Ray Smith and Robert Charles Anderson, “Proposed Hawkshead, Lancashire, Origins of Edward Riggs of Roxbury, Massachusetts, and Thomas Riggs of Gloucester,” The American Genealogist 82(2007): 120-29. Available online at… [PDF file size 94.6 KB]

Proceed to the discussion area and engage in the following questions. For best grading results and to shape the discussion, read the accompanying rubric. Post at least one original comment and at least two thoughtful responses to classmates for each question. This discussion will open the first Monday, closing when the module does. Posting your original comments no later than Thursday night gives your classmates time to respond and maximizes your possible points.

Discussion Question #1: The authors do not provide the actual Y-DNA results of any of the test-takers, only providing what they term the “Y-chromosome ‘signature’ (haplotype)” of the two ancestors. For example, we know only that the two tested descendants of Thomas Riggs “genetically match at 35 of 37 markers on their Y chromosomes.” Is the identity of the two discordant markers vital to your interpretation of the authors’ conclusions? Why or why not?
Discussion Question #2: Is the authors’ conclusion that “[t]he DNA evidence proves that Thomas1 Riggs of Gloucester, Massachusetts, in 1658 and Edward1 Riggs of Roxbury, Massachusetts, in 1633 were related” sufficiently supported by the evidence? Based on the Y-DNA evidence presented, should the authors pursue research in Hawkshead to try to find the parentage of Edward Riggs, or is it premature? Why or why not?

You are encouraged to practice using the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition; 2010) of formatting and Evidence Explained (3rd edition; 2015) citations within your submission. However, you will not be graded on your ability to use these formatting methods.