I need an original post that is at least 200 words responding to Part A. Then I need two student responses to post, at least 100 words, that can be found in Part B. Please respond to student response like you are talking to them directly. Do not say “ I agree with this student….this student’s use of …..etc…”
Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon are often mentioned together because their presidencies were clouded by scandal and impeachment. Consider this pairing. What are the similarities and differences in the Nixon and Clinton presidencies? How and why does this matter to how the executive branch functions and American society?
“Recent history is usually hard to discuss since it is difficult to separate personal experiences from objective facts. Keeping this in mind, use the Learning Resources to discuss the key issues since 2000. Consider what issues were blown out of proportion, what issues needed more attention but were lost in the chaos, and what issues got just the right amount of attention.
We were lucky to get to the 21st century and specifically the year 2000 because when the widespread panic and rumored happenings from Y2K never happened, we were already a little behind the curve. The 21st century had a lot of doubt and uncertainty with it, but like anything else up until that point we faced it head on and kept moving forward.
The biggest change in the 21st century seemed to be technology and how we were able to communicate with each other. So many things changed in the medical and science industries from modern technology and recent discoveries.
It did not take long to go from good to bad once the terrorist attacks on 9/11 happened. Within a month we invaded Afghanistan to carry out the global war on terrorism. That was not supposed to turn into the United States’ longest continuous war but it is. If that was not enough, we invaded Iraq in March 2003 to end another terrorist regime. One major issue that needed more attention, and eventually did, was the way our veterans were treated coming back from both of these wars.
As the stock and housing markets boomed and then plummeted, American citizens were anxious about what was next. Social media became a friend and a foe in the 2000’s and it seems like everything nowadays is driven by some sort of social media or another. With the social media spike came a lot of controversy because the access to your personal information was almost instantly, which caused knee jerk reactions as different angles of situations were recorded and then released. Technological advances have helped stop or solve a lot of crimes in a timely manner though.
Major issues, depending on your perspective, got blown out of proportion while needing more attention if it did not get just the right amount of attention. If you believe in something you will pay more attention to it and if it does not seem right to you it can be blown out of proportion or need more attention.
I think people were able to express themselves more easily in the 21st century as opposed to any other time in history. Some of that may have come from social media, news and reporters. Numerous things thought to be bad or things nobody talked about were brought to light in the 21st century, it’s like hundreds and thousands of people held back their emotions just for the 21st century.
As a society we became a lot more sensitive to others feelings since the start of the 21st century. It seems like we became more accepting of individual beliefs since the year 2000, although it did take some time to actually accept other people and their beliefs.
Sage, Henry J. “America in the Twenty First Century.” Introduction to American Colonial History. 2014. Accessed March 04, 2019. http://www.sageamericanhistory.net/twenty-firstcenturyamerica/index.html.”
“The grouping of Presidents Nixon and Clinton is actually very interesting. Though both legacies are plagued by their respective scandals, I would argue that the two situations could not really be more different. Nixon’s scandal was of course Watergate, in which associates of Nixon were caught “robbing” the offices of the DNC. However, instead of a normal robbery, the culprits were not caught steal jewels and valuables rather top-secret information and classified documents. Initially, Nixon was able to evade his attachment to the scandal. However, it was eventually revealed that the Watergate break in was directly related to the Nixon campaign. In the middle of the war in Vietnam, Nixon was doing everything in his power to win the re-election, to include illegal activity. News of his direct involvement shocked the people and there was really no question that Nixon has gone too far and that no one wanted a President who broke laws that serious. However, Clinton’s scandal was much more personal. Clinton’s scandal was simply that he was an unfaithful husband. The news of the Lewinsky affair shook the public once again, this time there was no clear answer for if he was a fit government. Clinton was extremely charismatic and had pretty good approval ratings up until the scandal. The public was polarized by the event, the question was if his personal affairs should matter as president. Clinton publicly denied the claims initially, though eventually the affair was proven entirely true. His infidelity let the average person relate to the president so much more, the head of the Executive branch was no longer a fairytale-like human being, he was a regular guy who did regular guy things, like cheat on his wife. But did this matter? In my opinion, no it should not matter. He was hired by the public to do a job, which he continued to do throughout his affair. Other people however believe that the president should serve as a representation of the morality of the country. I do however think that both of these presidents broke down some of the walls in what we as a nation believe the president should be and how accountable we should hold them.
Editors, History.com. “Watergate Scandal.” History. Last modified August 27, 2018. https://www.history.com/topics/1970s/watergate.“