Effectiveness of mental health interventions for elementary school children, grades K-5th grade

Each student will write a literature review. The purpose is to locate, summarize, and analyze existing empirical knowledge about a treatment or intervention for a social work problem. Choose to focus on a problem related to your field agency or place of employment. If you are not in a field placement or employed in an agency or setting that focuses on social work problems, choose a topic in one of the focus areas of GSU School of Social Work faculty – for example: youth violence and restorative justice interventions, secondary traumatic stress, community interventions to reduce poverty among public welfare recipients, youth victimization (and school-based interventions), trauma among LGBTQ youth, delinquent behavior among maltreated youth… Below are some examples of topics that are too broad, too narrow, and “just right”: ? Child abuse or maltreatment (too broad) ? Individual-level interventions for adolescent females in foster care with histories of maltreatment (too narrow) ? Trauma-focused therapeutic interventions for adolescents with histories of maltreatment (“just right”) Follow the outline below using the headings/ subheadings indicated, but do not use A, B, etc., use APA formatting. Use double-spacing, 12 point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins in APA style. Please use transition sentences that move the reader from one thought and/or paragraph to another. Do not use 1st person; e.g., instead of “I will explore…” or “My review will explore…” use “This review will explore…” A. Introduction (10 points) ? Problem Formulation: Clearly explain the social work problem you are planning to address. In a nutshell, what does current data and analyses say about the problem in terms of prevalence (i.e., percentage of individuals with the problem in the population) and/or incidence (i.e., number of individuals who develop or experience the problem) and risk factors that increase the likelihood of the problem. NOTE: Avoid presenting your opinions. Cite what you state or report. (5 points) ? Significance: Briefly discuss the significance of the problem. Why is the problem important for Social Workers to research? Why is understanding of the problem important to social work practice? When answering these questions, think about the gaps in knowledge about the problem in your field agency/place of employment. (5 points) B. Literature Review (30 points) Conduct a search for peer reviewed research (quantitative or qualitative) articles that examine and evaluate treatment(s) or intervention(s) used to address the problem among the population selected. Select 5 peer-reviewed articles. Please note: only peer reviewed empirical articles are acceptable for the literature review. NOTE: Empirical articles have the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Meta-analysis articles are not acceptable. Include the following components in your Literature Review: ? An introductory paragraph (5 points): introduce and briefly summarize prior research (e.g., “There is limited research on [e.g., your problem and/or treatment/interventions]”; or “Prior research has demonstrated that…”). This paragraph briefly summarizes the status of prior research on the SW7300 Syllabus ¦Page 14 treatment or interventions to address the problem, and introduces the literature review. ? Summarize the five peer-reviewed articles (25 points): (a) What is the stated purpose or objective of the article or study?; (b) If applicable, what research question(s) or hypotheses were posed?; (c) If indicated, what type of research or evaluative method was used, for example, case-control study, quasi-experimental, non-experimental?; (c) Provide a brief description of the participants in the study; and (d) Report the important or central finding from the article. Avoid direct quotes. C. Research Article Analysis (40 points) In this section, integrate and analyze the studies summarized in Section B. Use a Literature Review Matrix (to be provided) to help organize your analysis. After the matrix is complete, focus your analysis on the following questions/items. Your matrix (10 points) is to be typed and submitted with the final version of your literature review as an Addendum on the last page. ? What similarities and differences in methodology were evident in the five articles reviewed? Methodological areas include the type of study (e.g., quasi- experimental, non-experimental), sample (e.g., # of participants, age, gender), outcome measures. (10 points) ? Are the findings about the effectiveness of the intervention or treatment conclusive or uncertain? How did the findings differ based on the research or evaluative method used in the articles? (10 points) ? Critique the strengths and limitations of the studies and the research or evaluative methods used. What are they? What methodological improvements are needed in future evaluative studies? (10 points) D. Conclusion (5 points) Based on the articles summarized and analyzed, what conclusions can be made about the intervention or treatment? What question(s) remain unanswered? E. Paper Considerations/Formatting (15 points) ? Is the paper type-written on white printer paper and formatted (including separate title and reference pages) according to template shown on page 15? (5 points) ? Does format of citations confirm to APA* style? (5 points) ? Is the paper free of spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors? (5 points) ? Is the paper free of plagiarized content? (Penalties determined by instructor) **** Avoid plagiarism or other violations of academic integrity! Your draft of final paper and final paper will be submitted to “” within iCollege for originality checking. The Turnitin system checks to determine if your words are yours alone – not words from another student, from the web, or another source (for example, book, journal article). Be careful not to “copy” phrases or sentences from the readings or other sources. Where direct quotes from other sources are used, it is imperative to cite them appropriately according to APA style. The goal is to put the ideas into your own words! Evidence of plagiarism is subject to the following penalties – a score of zero or significant deductions in score, a failing grade, transcript annotation (i.e., notice of academic dishonesty), and/or expulsion.