Please answer the following questions some of them are multiple choice and some are true or false and some are written question.

Question 1
Which one of the following statements about the Gospel of John is NOT correct?
Select one: a. Jesus’ identity is clear from the beginning of the Gospel, testified to by many, including the disciples. b. In the Gospel of John, Jesus flips over the tables in the Temple and drives out the animals with a whip, and this is the reason why the chief priests start planning to kill him. c. The Gospel of John uses contrasting pairs of abstract terms like light and dark. d. In the Gospel of John, Jesus is the message, not just the messenger.
Question 2 Luke adds a unit to the trial of Jesus that is not found in Mark, describing how Pilate sent Jesus to Herod Antipas, back in Galilee. Which statement best explains why Luke added this story?
Select one: a. Luke wants to shift blame off of Rome, and emphasize Jesus’ innocence, that Rome was pushed to kill Jesus. b. Herod Antipas was the original Thanos, with a plan to destroy half the population, so Pilate sent him there. c. Luke is very angry at the Jewish leadership of his time, for throwing his Jewish-Christian community out of the synagogues.
Question 3 The Synoptic gospels present Jesus’s “Temple demonstration” (turning over the tables of the money changers, driving out the animals) as the event that set in motion the plot to kill Jesus. The Gospel of John disagrees. What act did Jesus do that the Gospel of John says inspired those against him to start to plot to kill him?
Select one: a. The Gospel of John says it was the way Jesus let women touch and anoint him. b. The Gospel of John says it was the turning of water into wine at Cana. c. The Gospel of John says it was the raising of Lazarus.
Question 4 Which statement correctly describes the sources for the Gospel of Matthew?
Select one: a. Mark and John. b. Mark, Q, and M. c. Mark, Q, and L. d. L and M.
Question 5 Match the following statements about the night of Jesus’ arrest to the correct Gospel author.
a. In the Gospel of _____________ Jesus asks his disciples to stay awake while he prays (and he prays that “this cup might pass” from him, but he affirms his willingness to do God’s will) but three times he comes back and finds the disciples sleeping
b. In the Gospel of _________________ Jesus, knowing everything that was to happen to him, when out to meet those arresting him, questioning them and asking “Am I not to drink the cup the Father has given me?”
c. In the Gospel of ______________ Jesus asks his disciples to stay awake while he prays (and he prays that “this cup might pass” from him, but he affirms his willingness to do God’s will) but one time he finds them sleeping from grief.
Question 6 The Gospel of John refers a number of times to “the beloved disciple” or “the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved.” Tradition generally assumes this refers to the disciple ______________
Select one: a. John the Baptist b. Mary Magdalene c. John d. Peter
Question 7 One of the distinctive characteristics of the Gospel of John is that Jesus makes a number of “I am…” statements. Give an example of one of these special statements (1 point) and explain how these fit within the special concerns of the author of the Gospel of John (1 point).
Question 8
In Chapter 3: The Jewish Background, of our Rausch textbook, in the section on social/economic life, Rausch discusses how in Jesus’ time, the plight of the poor was worsening as many small landowners lost their lands, often due to the triple tax structure, a tribute to Rome, a tax to support the King, and (for a while) a percentage paid to the Temple. True or false?
Select one: True False
Question 9 Scholars recognize that the Gospels were formed in three stages. Which statement best describes these three stages (in the correct order)?
Select one: a. The ministry of Jesus, while at the same time different disciples wrote it down. b. First God wrote the gospels and then made them fall out of heaven. c. The ministry of Jesus, oral storytelling and teaching about Jesus, writing the stories down in an order. d. The ministry of Jesus, writing the gospels, followed by an oral story telling stage.
Question 10 When reflecting on “Easter faith,” Rausch argues that we must avoid certain extremes of interpretation, and insists that the resurrection must be understood as a/an _____________________________ event.
Select one: a. astrological b. subjective only c. objective only d. eschatological
Question 11 At the wedding at Cana, in John Chapter 2, Jesus’ mother tells him that they are out of wine, and he responds “Woman, what concern is that to you? My hour has not yet come.” Symbolically, this sentence probably means ___________________________ (chose the best answer).
Select one: a. Jesus is objecting to drinking wine. b. Jesus’ hour is his death, which is not yet here, when his blood/wine will be poured out. c. Jesus is dismissive of women. d. It is not yet time to gather the disciples.
Question 12
Jesus’s last words were “Into your hands I commend my spirit,” according to the Gospel of _____________.
Select one: a. Mark b. John c. Matthew d. Luke
Question 13 From your work outlining your assigned chapter from Rausch (or the alternate chapter from Bauckham if you did not have Rausch), briefly explain two of the most important ideas from the chapter.
Question 14 When we compare the three synoptic gospels, we must remember that: [complete the sentence by choosing the correct statement, below]
Select one: a. Matthew and Luke changed and added to Mark’s gospel. b. Mark and Matthew changed and added to Luke’s gospel.