I think you already quite familiar with that questions

so LO is the learning outcome and in the task there is written LO 1 or LO 2 this is learning outcome for specific theme

THE first file is task

second file is book for business enviroment

books for it



books for law


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Business Enviroment


Explain different organisational types and their purposes

Performance Criteria


1.1 Identify and describe the purposes of different types of organisation

Type e.g. private company, public company, government, voluntary organisation, co-operative, charitable.

Purposes: mission; vision; aims; objectives; goals; values; profits; market share; growth; return on capital employed (ROCE); sales; service level; customer satisfaction; corporate responsibility; ethical issues.

1.2 Explain the responsibilities of an organisation and strategies employed to meet them.

Responsibilities of organisations: stakeholder interests; conflict of expectations; power-influence matrix; satisfying stakeholder objectives; legal responsibilities e.g. consumer legislation, employee legislation, equal opportunities and anti-discriminatory legislation, environmental legislation, health and safety legislation; ethical issues e.g. environment, fair trade, global warming


Explain the nature of the national and international environment in which an organisation operates and its impact on selected businesses

Performance Criteria


2.1Explain the impact of the UK business environment on business organisations.

The UK economy: size (GDP, GNP); structure; population; labour force; growth; inflation; balance of payments; balance of trade; exchange rates; trading partners; public finances; taxation; government borrowing; business and consumer behaviour; government policies and their impact on business.

2.2 Analyse the impact of international trade and global factors on UK business organisations.

International trade and the UK economy; market opportunities; global growth; protectionism; World Trade Organisation (WTO); emerging markets (BRIC economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China); EU membership.


Analyse the different types of market structure for both product and factor markets

Performance Criteria


3.1 Explain how different types of market structures determine pricing and output decisions of organisations

Perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, duopoly; competitive advantage, strategies adopted by firms; regulation of competition.

3.2 Explain the impact of market forces on a range of different types of organisations.

Market forces and organisational responses: supply and demand, elasticity of supply and demand; customer perceptions and actions, pricing decisions; cost and output decisions; economies of scale; joint ventures, outsourcing; core markets; labour market trends.


3.3 Analyse the environmental factors affecting an organisation

PESTEL analysis for chosen organisation.

IT For Business


Describe the scope of e-business

Performance Criteria


1.1 Describe the environment in which e-business is conducted and business transaction types.

The Internet; the World Wide Web (www); intranets; extranets; e-business and e-commerce; transaction types: business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), customer-to-customer (C2C), customer-to-business (C2B).

1.2 Explain the benefits and barriers to businesses considering an online presence.

Benefits to businesses of e-business: e.g. 24/7 trading, global marketplace; overt and covert information collection; reduced transaction and marketing costs.Barriers: set-up costs; difficulty of changing processes; ongoing maintenance e.g. lack of skill, security and protection concerns; managing a 24/7 global response.

1.3 Explain the security and legislative issues facing an online business organisation.

Methods and role of physical security in e-business e.g. passwords, access; methods and role of electronic security in e-business e.g. firewalls, digital signatures, digital certificates, anti-virus software; impacts of national and international legislation.


Explain the contribution of internet marketing in the business environment

Performance Criteria


2.1 Explain the elements of internet marketing.

Definition of digital marketing; definition of e-commerce and e-business; the internet micro- and macro-environment benefits of internet marketing e.g. reach, scope, immediacy, interactivity, targeting; adaptive and closed loop marketing.

2.2 Evaluate the internet marketing mix.

Product and branding; place e.g. channels, virtual organisations; price e.g. auctions; promotions; people; processes; physical evidence; digital marketing tools/e-tools; the online marketing matrix including business and consumer markets.

2.3 Evaluate internet marketing tools.

Comparisons with traditional marketing tools/channels.

2.4 Assess the benefits of interactive order processing.

Choosing a supplier; selecting a product; check stock availability; placing order; authorisation of payment; input of data; data transfer; order processing; online confirmation and delivery information; tracking of order; delivery.


Develop and improve systems for information and communication in organisations

Performance Criteria


3.1 Analyse existing communication and information systems in an organisation.

Meetings and conferences; workshops and training events; internet and email; written; telephone; video conferencing; one-to-one meetings.

3.2 Report on existing approaches to the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge.

Information sharing and storage; controlling access to information; data protection and privacy issues and legislation; security of information; anti-malware and spam controls; cross-border information systems.

3.3 Create a plan to improve systems for information and communication in an organisation.

Technology; communication; change; networks and virtual teams; global and cross-cultural teams.

Law for Business


Explain the essential elements of a valid contract in a business context

Performance Criteria


1.1 Explain the importance of the essential elements required for the formation of a valid contract.

Explanation of offer and acceptance; intention to create legal relations; consideration; capacity; privity of contract.

1.2 Explain the impact of different types of contract.

Verbal; written; distance selling; impact of type of contract; contracts with/for minors.

1.3 Analyse terms in contracts with reference to their meaning and effect.

Types of terms: condition; warranty; innominate term; express; implied; exclusion clauses and their validity.


Explain the principles of liability in negligence in business activities

Performance Criteria


2.1 Contrast liability in tort with contractual liability.

Negligence: differences to contract; duty of care, no contractual relationship but still a duty/liability.

2.2 Explain the nature of liability in negligence.

Breach of duty; damage – causation and remoteness of damage; personal injuries; damage to property; economic loss; occupier liability.

2.3 Explain how a business can be vicariously liable.

Employer’s liability; vicarious liability; health and safety issues.


Explain the elements of contracts and principles of liability in negligence in business situations.

Performance Criteria


3.1 Explain the importance of the essential elements required for a valid contract.

Elements of contract; breaches of contract and remedies; establishing the existence of a contract; termination of contracts.

3.2 Explain the impact of different types of contract and their terms.

Express and implied terms; exclusion clauses; effects of terms.


3.3 Apply the elements of the tort of negligence and vicarious liability in different business scenarios.

Principles of liability in negligence: differences compared with contract; duty of care; breach of duty; remoteness of damage; occupier and employer liability; defences and remedies