Statistics discussion bored for module 1- all instructions are below!!! If any questions please feel free to ask

Summarizing data in a display is important. For example, newspapers frequently display pie charts. Businesses often study sales using histograms. For this discussion, you will collect quantitative data from the Internet, StatCrunch, or the CD that comes with the textbook. Then, you will construct a histogram of your data.
Collect 50 or more quantitative (numerical) raw data items on a topic that interests you. You may use data from any one of the following four sources:
Activity Instructions
Collect 50 or more quantitative (numerical) raw data items on a topic that interests you. You may use data from any one of the following five sources:
The Internet If you want to obtain data from the Internet, refer to the Module Notes on how to use StatCrunch This to bring this data into StatCrunch. Be sure to cite the source by providing the link in your discussion post.
StatCrunch Datasets
If you want to use one of the many data sets already available within StatCrunch, go to StatCrunch – Data analysis on the Web, and click on Explore near the top part of the site. Then, click on Data, and you will see a long list of possibilities. Just click on the data set of your choice, and it will be immediately loaded into StatCrunch. Be sure to state in the discussion that it is data from StatCrunch.
Textbook Datasets
You can also access data sets from your textbook by clicking here. (The link may instruct you to sign on to StatCrunch. Do so using your MyMathLab ID and password.) You will see a Data Sets Chapter Menu on the left. For example, many of the exercises at the end of Section 2.2 have a list of data. Click on a homework exercise number, and it will be immediately loaded into StatCrunch. Again, state that the data came from the data sets in MyMathLab. The textbook data sets can also be accessed within the MyMathLab portion of this course by clicking on StatCrunch (right below Gradebook), and then clicking on data sets from your textbook.
The Textbook CD
The textbook CD has data sets that one may use. Again, there is data from homework exercises. You may also choose a variable from the Sullivan Statistics Survey, there. Be sure to state that the data came from the CD.?
The Sullivan Statistics Survey
The data is found in StatCrunch by clicking on this link: Response to Sullivan Statistics Survey. This data is also found in the textbook CD. Here is a link to the actual survey questions [PDF file size 1.3 MB].
Make sure your data set is large enough (50 items).
Once you have found your data, paste it into StatCrunch if it is not already there. Copy the data, and then go to StatCrunch, click on Open StatCrunch, and then click on Data, then Load Data, then from Paste. Then, paste your data into the window box provided. Then, save any changes in StatCrunch by clicking on Load Data at the very bottom.
Then, construct a histogram from your data. The Technology Step-by-Step section at the end of Section 2.2 of your textbook, under StatCrunch (before the end-of-section problems) explains how to construct a histogram using StatCrunch. You may do either a frequency or relative frequency histogram. Here is a video on making histograms using StatCrunch: Histograms in StatCrunch [Video file][4 min 45 sec].
Paste your histogram in your discussion post, by doing the following:

Click on Options, then Copy
You will see a new image of the histogram that says “Right-click the image below to copy it!”
Right-click as directed and then choose “Save Image As” and save it to your desktop or location of your choice
Upload your graphic to Canvas

Within Canvas, click on Account in the purple menu on the left. Then click on
Click on Upload on the right upper corner of your screen.
Find the graph in your files and select

Insert the image into your discussion post:

Go to the discussion area and start your post.
Place your cursor where you wish the graphic to be placed within your text.
Select the Embed Image icon
Select Canvas and then My files
Select your graph from your My files list
Click Update in the right bottom corner.

Click here for more detailed instructions that you can save for future reference [PDF file size 350 KB].
Then answer the following questions regarding your data and histogram:

Is the histogram skewed left, right, bell-shaped, uniform, or symmetric? (See page 88 in your text)
Which is the most common class?
What conclusions can you make by observing the histogram?
Before answering this last question, you need to work with your data some more.

Open the “Histogram with Sliders” applet by doing the following: Click on the StatCrunch button (right above where it says Row), then on Applets, then on Histogram with Sliders. Select the same column as you did for your original histogram and click on Create Applet.
Now, answer the following questions: If you modify the bin width (class width) using the slider, how does your histogram change? Can you make any new or different conclusions? Choose a bin width that tells you something new about your data.

Lastly, go back into StatCrunch and run some simple summary statistics on your data. List the Mean, Median and Mode(s). You can get these from StatCrunch very easily by running summary stats on your data. Watch this video for help: Calculating Summary Statistics in StatCrunch Does the computed Mode match with what you SAW from the graphs? Discuss how and why they might be different