Minimum word count:
600 words
Main Goal:
Write an argumentative paper that proves your thesis statement by providing the reader with developed and specific examples and includes direct quotes from the essays we have read in class. Your paper must focus on 1 of these 2 topics:

technology and its impact on education
advertising and its impact on culture

Required Source:
Choose one of the sources below which applies to your chosen topic.
You will incorporate several quotes from this source.
Click this link to read Neil Postman’s “Virtual Students, Digital Classroom” from a WSCC library database: Postman Article
Here is another option for the article:

Downloadable version: Postman PDF copy

Click this link to read Dr. Alain Samson’s “Seven Reasons Why We’re Irrational Shoppers” from the Psychology Today website:

Downloadable copy: Samson article

1. The minimum word count for this essay is at least 600 words The minimum word count does not include the heading, outline, title, or work cited page. Keep in mind a well-developed argument is often well over the minimum.
2. Include an MLA heading with your name, the instructor’s name, the course and section, and date on the first page of the paper above the title and introduction. The font should be 12 point. Arial is the easiest to read font.
See more about creating an effective title in the Essay Basics section of the Writer’s Resources module in content or click this direct link Title.
3. Include a clear and developed introductory paragraph that contains an argumentative thesis statement. See more about thesis statements and introduction in the Essay Basics section of the Writer’s Resources module in content or click these direct links Thesis and Introduction.
4. Include at least two or more body paragraphs unified by clear topic sentences and focused on proving the thesis through the development/illustration of specific examples. See more about body paragraphs in the Essay Basics section of the Writer’s Resources module in content or click this direct link Body paragraphs.
5. You must incorporate a direct quote from one of the articles we have addressed in class discussion during this module. This quote must be introduced and incorporated into your own sentence. It must include an in-text citation in MLA format and a sentence afterwords that clearly relates the material to your own argument.
6. Include conclusion that brings closure to your entire paper. See more about the 3 basic parts of a conclusion and what to avoid in the Essay Basics section of the Writer’s Resources module in content or this direct link Conclusion.
7. Include a Work Cited page as the last page of the document for your selected source in proper MLA format.
8. Submit your paper to the Exemplification Essay Dropbox.
Common Errors:
1. Avoid first person (I, me, my, mine, we) and second person (you, your, and understood “you” commands) as well as contractions. This type of wording is considered informal unless it appears in a quote from a source. Hint: Reading your paper aloud can help you spot informal wording. See more in the Grammar Basics section of the Writer’s Resources module or click quick link: Academic Language.
2. Avoid the 7 major grammar errors that are very costly and can negatively impact your grade. Review the errors, how to spot them, how to correct them, and additional resources in the Grammar Basics sections of the Writer’s Resources module in content. Edit your paper for each of these major errors especially if you had any of these on your Paper 1. Reading aloud can also help you spot these errors.
3. Avoid “dumped quotes.” This is when a source is missing a credible introduction to help the reader trust it and understand its significance or when a quote seems disconnected from your essay.
Writing Tips:
1. Make sure that your examples are specific and well focused. Remember that paragraphs should only address one topic. Thus, one or two well-developed examples per paragraph will be more effective than a list of examples.
2. Organize your examples so that you address the strongest ones last. You want to end with a bang and leave your reader feeling completely convinced by your argument. Also, consider transitions as you organize. You want your reader to see the connections between your examples.
3. Be sensitive to your audience as you consider your tone and language. If you feel there is a point of contention, acknowledging it and then explaining your point of view can be a helpful way to address this. Reading out loud can also increase your audience awareness because it allows you to hear your arguments in a more objective way.
4. Be logical when selecting examples. Examples that are relatable and reasonable are much more convincing than very general or hypothetical examples.
5. This paper is limited to only the Postman or Samson article for this first documented paper to keep the focus on quote selection, quote introduction, and work cited format. It is your instructor’s discretion whether any additional source or sources are acceptable. This should be approved before the draft stage.
6. Carefully review the plagiarism section of the Getting Started module or click here for direct link Plagiarism and Turn It In. Make every effort to avoid plagiarism in this paper. If you are unsure whether something might be considered plagiarism, ask your instructor.