RE: Discussion 1 – Week 3

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Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of the study will focus on Maslow’s theory of motivation, the Vroom’s expectancy theory and Alderfer’s existence, relatedness and growth theory. According to Kessler, Rodopman, Bruurseman, and Spector (2013), these theories are used interchangeably for both professional and academic purposes to fore tell employee motivation. There are various conceptual frameworks that have been provided by researchers that offer understanding and strategies that managers can use to retain their employees (Night Audit), in the hotel industry. Kessler, et al (2013); Russ (2011) and Sebastian & Davison (2011) have inferred that the form of leadership styles and practices that a manager exhibits have the potential to influence the whether an employee retain employment in an organization or not. They broadly conceptualize the intersections between managers’ appeal to the human nature and their approach to motivating others in an organizational setting.
Managers have the great influence in the way employees are retained in an organization since they deal directly to them, more so the management of the night audit staff. Their retention depends on operational effectiveness of the following steps of night audit report, posting room and tax charges, assembling guest charges and payments, reconciling departmental financial activities, Reconciling the accounts receivable, running the trial balance, preparing the night audit report.
The study will involve asking the managers the strategies they currently use to retain their night audit staff. Multiple sources of data have been used including from earlier studies that have been published, and the interviews from hotel managers. The researcher will explore the motivational theory, the existence, relatedness and growth theory and the expectancy theory. They will be analyzed against the gradient of the reasons why employees quit employment as night auditors and why they are motivated to seek employment as night auditors in the hotel industry. The concepts will be tied down to study the strategies used in employee retention to understand the underlying experiences in the hotel industry.
Kessler, S. R., Bruurseman, K., Rodopman, B. and Spector, P. E. (2013), Leadership, Interpersonal
Conflict, and Counterproductive Work Behavior: An Examination of the Stressor–Strain Process.
Negotiation Confl Manage Res, 6: 180-190. doi:10.1111/ncmr.12009
Russ, T. L. (2011). The relationship between Theory X / Y: Assumptions and communication apprehension. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 34, 238-249. doi:10.1108/01437731311326675
Sebastian, R. J., & Davison, B. (2011). The root causes of contract administration problems. Journal of Public Procurement, 11, 171-189. Retrieved from

RE: Discussion 1 – Week 3
From professor
Here is the description of this component from the prospectus guide:
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

In one paragraph, describe the theoretical base or conceptual framework from the scholarly literature that will ground the study (providing citations). Base this description on the problem, purpose, and background of your study. Specifically, identify and describe:
(a) theory: theoretical base or conceptual framework,
(b) author of the theoretical base or conceptual framework (if applicable),
(c) date of the theoretical base or conceptual framework (if applicable),
(d) key tenets, propositions, constructs, variables, hypotheses, etc., and
(e) how the theoretical base or conceptual framework is applicable and fits to the study.
Review the Theoretical/Conceptual Framework video tutorial at: to aid in completing Theoretical/Conceptual Framework section.
Keep in mind that Conceptual Framework is the correct term for use in a QUAL study. You do have that language, but now you need to focus on one CF and tell us about it specifically.
Please narrow down your CF to one theory or model. Then revise this so that you cover the items in the DBA rubric for that CF.
Keep working on APA format for your citations and references.
Instead of this, please be sure to state the key concepts and propositions (or tenets) of the CF:
Managers have the great influence in the way employees are retained in an organization since they deal directly to them, more so the management of the night audit staff. Their retention depends on operational effectiveness of the following steps of night audit report, posting room and tax charges, assembling guest charges and payments, reconciling departmental financial activities, Reconciling the accounts receivable, running the trial balance, preparing the night audit report.

(1.10) Theoretical/Conceptual Framework[1]: Clearly and concisely identify the theory/conceptual framework. In quantitative studies, the theoretical framework is the appropriate term and in qualitative studies the conceptual framework is the appropriate term. The student will articulate the theoretical/conceptual framework with concepts from the literature to ground and complement the applied business study.
This component should not exceed one page. It will be expanded upon in the literature review.See Theoretical/Conceptual Framework Video Tutorial at:

Identifies and describes the theory or conceptual model for theoretical/conceptual framework.
Identifies theorist(s) of the theory or conceptual model for theoretical/conceptual framework (if applicable).
Identifies date of the theory or conceptual model for theoretical/conceptual framework (if applicable).[2]
Identifies key concepts/propositions/tenets of the theory or conceptual model for theoretical/conceptual framework.
Identifies how/why the theory or conceptual model for theoretical/conceptual framework is applicable and fits/applies to the study.

[1] The theory/conceptual framework informs the research (quantitative) and interview (qualitative) questions. Be sure to review the Theoretical/Conceptual Framework Video Tutorial at:
[2] Some literature identifies the specific date the theorist introduced the theory; provide this date if this is the case. If not, then it’s not applicable.