What makes a Criminal? (Essay)

Pick two criminals that have committed the same type of crime, one from the United States and one from a different country; give a brief background or insight into the cases, and then apply2-3 criminological theories that can be utilized to explain both of their crimes.

Your paper should be 6-8 pages in length (excluding the cover page and references page) and conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequirements

30.0 to >24.0 pts

Meets Expectation

The Portfolio includes all of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

24.0 to >18.0 pts

Approaches Expectation

The Portfolio includes most of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

18.0 to >12.0 pts

Below Expectation

The Portfolio includes some of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

12.0 to >0 pts

Limited Evidence

The Portfolio includes few of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

40.0 to >32.0 pts

Meets Expectation

Demonstrates strong or adequate knowledge of Criminological Theories; correctly represents knowledge from the readings and sources.

32.0 to >24.0 pts

Approaches Expectation

Some significant but not major errors or omissions in demonstration of knowledge.

24.0 to >16.0 pts

Below Expectation

Major errors or omissions in demonstration of knowledge.

16.0 to >0 pts

Limited Evidence

Fails to demonstrate knowledge of the materials.

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent #1

40.0 to >32.0 pts

Meets Expectation

Student picked two criminals/one for the United States, one from another country.

32.0 to >24.0 pts

Approaches Expectation

Student picked two criminals as required, but not all expectations were met.

24.0 to >16.0 pts

Below Expectation

Student analyzed one criminal within specified component.

16.0 to >0 pts

Limited Evidence

Student did not pick two credible criminals for assignment.

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent #2

40.0 to >32.0 pts

Meets Expectation

Student provided a summary of both criminals, one from the United States, one from another country.

32.0 to >24.0 pts

Approaches Expectation

Student provided a summary of both criminals, however, needed to be more in depth.

24.0 to >16.0 pts

Below Expectation

Student provided a minimal summary of both criminals.

16.0 to >0 pts

Limited Evidence

Student did not provide a summary of both criminals.

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Analysis

50.0 to >40.0 pts

Meets Expectation

Student strongly applied 2-3 criminological theories to both criminals.

40.0 to >30.0 pts

Approaches Expectation

Student minimally applied 2 criminological theories towards both criminals.

30.0 to >20.0 pts

Below Expectation

Student applied 1 criminological theory to both criminals.

20.0 to >0 pts

Limited Evidence

Student did not apply criminological theory.

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources

30.0 to >24.0 pts

Meets Expectation

Cites and integrates at least two credible sources in addition to the textbook.

24.0 to >18.0 pts

Approaches Expectation

Cites and integrates one credible source in addition to the textbook.

18.0 to >12.0 pts

Below Expectation

Cites and integrates the textbook only.

12.0 to >0 pts

Limited Evidence

Cites and integrates no credible sources.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of Source Material

30.0 to >24.0 pts

Meets Expectation

Sources well or adequately chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue; knowledge from the course linked properly to source material.

24.0 to >18.0 pts

Approaches Expectation

Some significant but not major problems with selection and linkage of sources.

18.0 to >12.0 pts

Below Expectation

Major problems with selection and linkage of sources.

12.0 to >0 pts

Limited Evidence

Source selection is seriously flawed; no linkage to knowledge from the course.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

20.0 to >16.0 pts

Meets Expectation

Project is clearly organized, well written, and in proper essay format including an introduction, body, and conclusion. Conforms to project requirements.

16.0 to >12.0 pts

Approaches Expectation

Small number of significant but not major flaws in organization and writing; is in proper essay format. In a minor way does not conform to project requirements.

12.0 to >8.0 pts

Below Expectation

Major problems in organization and writing; does not completely follow proper essay format. In a significant way does not conform to project requirements.

8.0 to >0 pts

Limited Evidence

Project is not well organized or well written and is not in proper essay format. Does not conform to project requirements.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Style

20.0 to >16.0 pts

Meets Expectation

Strong sentence and paragraph structure; few or no minor errors in grammar and spelling; appropriate writing style; clear and concise with no unsupported comments.

16.0 to >12.0 pts

Approaches Expectation

Small number of significant but not major errors in grammar and spelling; generally appropriate writing.

12.0 to >8.0 pts

Below Expectation

Inconsistent to inadequate sentence and paragraph development; work needed on grammar and spelling; does not meet program expectations.

8.0 to >0 pts

Limited Evidence

Poor quality; unacceptable in terms of grammar and/or spelling; inappropriate writing style that interferes with clarity.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates proper use of APA style

30.0 to >24.0 pts

Meets Expectation

Project contains proper APA formatting, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA, with no more than one significant error.

24.0 to >18.0 pts

Approaches Expectation

Few errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA, with no more than two to three significant errors.

18.0 to >12.0 pts

Below Expectation

Significant errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA, with four to five significant errors.

12.0 to >0 pts

Limited Evidence

Numerous errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA, with more than five significant errors.

30.0 pts

Total Points: 330.0