Project Proposal: All projects must be initially documented in a project proposal. The document should be concise (3 or more pages excluding the cover page, honor pledge and table of contents, and include the following:
Cover Page
Honor Pledge
Table of Contents
Client, if any
Faculty Advisor
Project Plan (including planned schedule)
Expected Outcomes
Knowledge being applied
Risk factors
Work to be performed by others (if any)
The objective is limited to one paragraph that succinctly describes the scope of the selected project and the client, if any. If you are doing the work for a client, the client must be described and contact information given. You must provide details of your faculty mentor, including the expertise that they have to help you with this project.
The Project Plan should be as detailed as possible, and include estimates for the start and end date of each activity and the level of effort required in each task. The goal is to make sure that all the tasks are defined and that an assessment of level of effort is complete. If tasks are to be done by others, or require involvement by others, including your faculty mentor, this should be identified in the project plan.
The resources section is particularly important if you are doing a project that requires equipment (e.g., the
Raspberry Pi). You must provide a list of the resource requirements and how they will be obtained. If there is a
cost associated with the resources, this should be identified.
The expected outcomes should define the expected results of the project. If this is a research report, an outline of the report should be given. If it is a project, it should be a description of the results from the project (e.g., a Web site).
Literature Review : All projects must include a search and review of relevant and credible literature presented in a
4-page report. This should provide background for the project and/or provide the basis for the methodologies being used in the project. For example, if you are developing a Web site for a client, you might focus on the software tools you use and when they might be used or a topic such as usability, if that is your focus. Your Literature Review should include the sources, a brief description of the content of each source, and the applicability to your project. It is anticipated that you will review 10 – 15 scholarly articles, technical Web sites, or books, depending on the type of project.
The sources should be credible and not just the opinion of a specific individual. They should be verified as credible and cited in APA format. Each source should be listed with a paragraph explaining the contents of the document and why it is relevant to your project. The literature review is subject to a formal review process, with a draft being submitted to the professor for review and feedback followed by a completed report suitable to be submitted to the client.
Technology Paper: Your activities must be documented in a technology paper that should be no longer than 20
pages and more than 9 pages. In addition, evidence of the work performed such as code listings, URLs,, or
documentation may be attached. The technology paper should contain the following sections:
Cover Page
Honor Pledge
Table of Contents
Objective of the Project
Actual timeline of the project
Body – with sections for methodology, results, analysis (majority of report)
Bibliography (of sources used in the body of the text)
List of associated documents (provided with the report to document the work that you performed)
Documentation of work done by yourself and others
The technology paper is subject to a formal review process, with a draft being submitted to the professor for
review and feedback followed by a completed report to be submitted to the client.
Technology Presentation: A short presentation of the project (15 minutes), with some form of handout, should be presented to the faculty advisor, client, mentor and other students. The student is responsible for scheduling an appointment during the designated week to give the presentation.
If a product has been developed (e.g. a mobile app) this must be demonstrated as part of the presentation, with
screen shots in the presentation materials.
Project Retrospective : A short 2-page analysis of how you did or did not meet the timeline for the plan, what was
harder/easier than expected, what “gaps” you felt there were in your undergraduate program which may have
impacted your performance on the project, and what you learned from the project.

Some comments you need to pay initiation on:
1-You need to show more the important of the research. Why you are interesting on this topic.
2-You need to state clearly your research question.
3-You need to show the methodology you will use in your research.
4-In your proposal mentioned irrelevant information not belongs to your research, and at the same time you mentioned some information others did, but you didn’t mention what your input.
5-Make sure you come with proposal you can make it by the end of the semester.
6- Make sure you include in your references articles published in refereed journals.