Hello I have to reply to two students forum post with 150 words minimum.
postpartum depression
Thesis: New mothers should have a mandatory testing for postpartum depression and other mental illnesses within 30 days of giving birth because it can be deadly if left untreated. Postpartum not only affects the mother but it also affects the baby and the care it receives.
Paragraph one: Statistics show 70-80% of new mothers will experience postpartum or a form of “baby blues” but only 10-20% will receive care to help. 1 in 7 women experience postpartum symptoms up to a year after giving birth. With there being almost 4 million live births in the U.S, approximately 600,000 women could be at risk for postpartum.
Paragraph two: In Texas in 2002, a woman was experiencing some symptoms of postpartum that included high anxiety, hyper protecting over her newborn and not sleeping well at night. After three days of not sleeping well added on to her post-partum, she was found guilty of drowning her baby in the bathtub. One woman may experience violent postpartum feelings about the baby but will not act upon it because they recognize this is wrong. However, a woman with postpartum psychosis has temporarily lost the judgement to make the right assessment. Typically, 4% of women who develop postpartum psychosis kill their baby.
Paragraph three: Many ways to treat postpartum are therapy groups, medications, and self care such as relaxation techniques. Therapy can help talking about your feelings and getting them out to a well-educated doctor, they can evaluate and seek out the best help for you. Medications can be used to ease symptoms of depressed mood and anxiety.
Counter argument: For women to have a mandatory psychological evaluation could mothers at risk for losing their child. If a woman is diagnosed with a severe mental illness the state or a court could find her unsuitable as a mother and take her child into protective services. If a mother was forcibly institutionalized based on results of a mandatory screening her baby would be taken away. How accurate are the results and what if a mother is misdiagnosed? Mandatory screening seems that it would only be worse and not benefit a mother whom could just cope with baby blues or seek help if they really thought it was bad.
Rebuttal: The screening will not take away a child from the mother, it will only benefit the mother in every way possible. The screening is designed to ask specific questions to target any postpartum feelings and symptoms. A mother would only need to be institutionalized if there was proof, she was harming the baby, which in that case would be beneficially to the baby and the mother. The treatment is not evasive and will remain confidential.
Conclusion: Postpartum depression is a very serious illness and should be mandatory to be checked for at least 30 days after a new mom gives birth. This illness can turn for the worse very quickly when left untreated. It is not a negative thing to ask for help especially when the well being of a child is at risk.

second post

Abstinence Practice
Thesis Statement:
Abstinence is important in a relationship because it builds a stronger bond, focuses the relationship on an emotional connection rather than physical, and affirms sexual relations is for procreation rather than recreation.
Paragraph 2: Builds a Stronger Friendship
Abstinence may encourage people to build relationships in other ways. There are ways to be intimate with someone that does not involve sexual activity. Waiting to have sex before marriage promotes good communication in dating. When couples wait their interpersonal skills increase because they are not just focused on pleasure, but more of their experiences.
Paragraph 3: Less Risk of Physical Abuse
There will be less risk of physical or verbal abuse. Having sex while not married is likely to be associated with violence and other forms of abuse. For example, there will be more physical aggression among couples that are not married versus couples that are married. Less jealousy and selfishness are bound to happen in dating couples who decide to wait for sexual activity than those who are driven by passion
Paragraph 4: Focusing More on Interpersonal Skills
Some people believe abstinence before marriage because it builds your relationship with your future spouse. Focusing on getting to know your spouse’s personality, family, and things of that nature. By practicing it before marriage your partner is not likely to rate your intimate performance on whether to get married or not. Intimacy can cause judgment quickly.
Paragraph 5:Counterargument paragraph
Some people believe abstinence before marriage because it builds your relationship with your future spouse. Focusing on getting to know your spouse’s personality, family, and things of that nature. By practicing it before marriage your partner is not likely to rate your intimate performance on whether to get married or not. Intimacy can cause judgment.
Paragraph 6:Rebuttal
While others agree it helps, some may disagree with the belief; active sex makes you live longer. Sex relieves stress, boosts immunities, and helps you sleep and is heart-healthy. Waiting long until marriage may cause issues within the relationship. This could make the engagement go sideways.
GotQuestions.org. “Is Abstinence before Marriage a Realistic Message?” GotQuestions.org, 12 Aug. 2014, www.gotquestions.org/abstinence-before-marriage.html.